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Acupuncture Based on meridian theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture has more than two thousand years of recorded history. Its treatment procedures involve insertion of very thin needles into specific points along various meridians, which constitute an invisible network connecting every organ and tissue within the body. These meridians, conceived as routes for the life sustaining vital substance called “qi”, tour both exteriors and interiors of the body so all interdependent parts are woven together as a homeostasis whole. By needling and skillful manipulation at these points, an acupuncturist can help a patient recover from illness caused by disturbed balance within the meridian network.
Acupuncture Treatment, with Initial
or Subsequent Consultation : $120
TCM Pulse & Tongue Diagnose
Course of Treatment Recommendation
Acupuncture Treatment
Infrared Treatment, if applicable
Electrical Stimulation through Acupuncture Needles, if applicable
Home Remedy Recommendation, if applicable
* All fees listed above already include cash discounts.
TCM Herbal Treatment In addition to recorded functions treating certain symptoms, herbs of Traditional Chinese Medicine are categorized according to each herb’s “attribute” as pertaining to its cooling or heating potency, “taste” which indicates actions or moving directions of the herb, and the “leading meridian”. In practice, instead of single herb application which rarely occurs, formulas consisting of multiple herbs are usually prescribed based on identified “pattern of disharmony” as well as the unique characters and conditions of the patient.
Cupping With vacuumed cups placed at various locations over the body, skin and muscles at superficial layers are drawn into and are held up inside the cups. As a consequence circulation of qi and blood are mobilized therefore self healing process is promoted. Although it always leaves temporary bruised marks, cupping technique is effective treating varieties of conditions including local qi and blood stagnation, which is a very common pattern among most musculoskeletal conditions.
Scraping (Gua Sha) Rather than sphere shaped glass or barrel shaped plastic cups used in cupping technique, blade edged hand tools made of ceramics or animal horns are used in scraping. As a technique to promote circulation of qi and blood like cupping, the application of scraping creates temporary bruised marks over the skin. Scraping can be done with and before cupping, or applied independently. In addition to mobilizing the circulation of qi and blood as to reduce pain at the muscle level, it is especially effective relieving discomfort caused by fever.
Moxibustion As cupping and scraping is usually applied on patients with “excessive” conditions, moxibustion is preferably performed to correct the condition of “yang deficiency”, which might cause entrapped coldness or dampness within muscles or along meridians. The application of moxibustion involves burning dried mugwort (Artemisia argyi), and the generated heat is directed toward specific area or acupunctural points. When applied along with herbal treatment, it is often considered the most effective TCM modality treating “yang deficiency”. It is also commonly used to treat menstrual discomfort caused by stagnated cold at lower abdomen.
Ear Seed As a relatively new treating method, auricular acupuncture is based on the discovery made by the French neurologist Paul Nogier, in which the outer portion of the ear is found to be the microcosm of the whole body. In practice, specific area at the outer ear is stimulated in order to treat health conditions of that associated area. Its application involves using acupunctural needles at our clinic, or it can be done with ear seeds or magnets that stick onto the ear. The ear seeds or magnets can be brought back home with the patient as to provide a continuous treatment which would last as long as the seeds or magnets are on.
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